Business Development
Hugo von Hofmannsthal’s Medieval morality play Jedermann has become a legendary and classic centrepiece of the world-renowned Salzburg Festival. First performed in 1920 – directed by Max Reinhardt – when the festival was inaugurated, it has been staged most years since then in the city’s magnificent Domplatz (Cathedral Square).
Leading London, UK-based event production company Halo has added 24 x Robe PAINTE moving lights to its rental inventory, which were delivered in September following the PLASA professional lighting and sound expo by the team at Robe UK.
Die Robe Group wird mit all ihren Marken nächste Woche in Barcelona auf der Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) in Halle 6, Stand P100, ausstellen.
The Schouwburg Kunstmin in Dordrecht is a busy, bustling theatre and performing arts venue in The Netherlands which has made another major purchase of Robe LED lighting fixtures with 83 x T11 Profiles. These have been added to their Main Hall house lighting rig, replacing all the old, fixed position incandescent profiles and PCs.
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