Germany / DE

Robe at the 2013 SAMAS

Beteiligte Produkte

ColorBeam 700E AT™
ColorBeam 700E AT™ColorBeam 700E AT™
ColorSpot 700E AT™
ColorSpot 700E AT™ColorSpot 700E AT™
ColorWash 700E AT™
ColorWash 700E AT™ColorWash 700E AT™
LEDWash 1200™
LEDWash 1200™LEDWash 1200™
LEDWash 600™
LEDWash 600™LEDWash 600™

The 2013 MTN South African Music Awards (SAMAs) once again returned to the Sun City Superbowl, with Joshua Cutts of Visual Frontier commissioned to design the lighting by technical co-ordinators Dream Sets, who were working for producers VL Productions.

The show was directed by Gavin Wratten and broadcast live on national TV channel SABC 1.

Joshua first designed the annual showcase celebrating the best SA musical talent across multiple genres last year …  and once again he used Robe moving lights as the core elements of his visual canvas.

Over 70 Robe fixtures in total graced the rig - a mix of LEDWash 1200s and 600s, ColorBeam, ColorSpot and ColorWash 700E ATs, ColorWash 2500E ATs and CitySkape Xtremes.

Joshua – one of SA's top visual designers -  has used Robe products in his work for some time, however this was his first experience with the LEDWash 1200s, used as the backbone of his rear wash fixtures on stage.

He was "Super impressed" with the brightness and range of the zoom. In fact, the fixtures were so bright that he had to run them at 50% most of the time!

All lighting equipment was supplied by Dream Sets, who also built the elegant futuristic styled set designed by a collaboration of Robert Hoey from Dream Sets, Wayne Pettit-Sproule and the 2013 SAMAs Artistic Director, Wessel Albertse from Enjoy The Company.

Joshua ran all the lighting from his grandMA2 full size console. The video playback content was also integrated into the cue structure with both lighting and video triggered together by a combination of timecode and manual execution.

AV was provided to the event by AV Unlimited and content was mapped to both projection and LED  surfaces. Lighting and video worked together to produce a vibrant and seamlessly integrated visuals show that was highly acclaimed and enjoyed by millions of TV viewers as well as a large live audience in the Superbowl.

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